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Jobs to do in your garden this May

Can you believe it? It’s May already! We have had some glorious sunny days and hopefully there are plenty more to come to make our days spent in the garden more pleasurable.

As we still do have lots to do.

Common garden pests such as aphids and slugs and mildews

Firstly, as the temperature increases unfortunately so do the pests who can increase at an alarming rate, feasting on the lush fresh new foliage of your plants and seedlings.

Its worthwhile checking every day for signs of these little creatures as they are easier to eradicate when there are just a few rather than in infestation.

Luckily there are lots of natural ways to control them if you want to avoid using harsh chemicals. For help with slugs, we find copper tape invaluable for pots and containers. Simply putting around the top of your pot is enough to deter them from access to your plants. For ground grown plants ‘Wool Pellets’ or ‘Slug Clear Barrier ‘are both excellent.

At Creative Gardens we have a range of bee, ladybird and wildlife friendly sprays that are also certified organic. We have treatments for insects such as Mealy bug, Scale, Whitefly and Spider Mite as well as fungicides that treat mildews, blackspots and more and you never have to reach for those harmful chemicals again.  


Feed established plants

Its easy to get distracted by all the lovely new bedding plants and varieties of perennials available at this time of year but don’t forget the plants you already have both in your garden and in pots. These will be starting to grow after their dormant time and will need a helping hand. Roses especially appreciate some feed scattered around the base and simply hoed into the soil. We have granular, liquid, and slow-release fertilisers that encourage and support new growth in all your plants ensuring they will look fabulous over the coming months and beyond.


 Plant Supports

Remember to stake your perennials before they get tall. It’s important to get the supports in place early so you don’t damage the plants later, this includes tall perennials such as Peonies or even if you live on a particularly windy site, having extra support in place avoids your plants being broken or damaged. Make sure to tie in climbers as they grow ,training some growth horizontally to encourage more flowers along these stems.


Plant seedlings and Hardy Annual Seeds

Veg plants such as Carrot, Broad Bean, Onions, Peas, and Salad crops can be planted directly outside. This is also a good time to identify the areas in the garden that need filled by sprinkling some wildflower seeds straight into the ground, so it couldn’t be easier!  


Bedding Plants

Remember last month we received the first of our bedding plants? Well now we have the full range in stock so you can really go wild with colour. So I am afraid there is no time to rest this month as the gardening calendar is full !