The Creative Gardens 'Customer Club' Card
The Creative Gardens Customer Club Card Terms & Conditions are listed below, including our Data Protection Statement. If you have any questions about these Terms & Conditions, please email us at Please sign your card immediately, then bring it with you when you shop at Creative Gardens to Start collecting points. Data Protection Statement We would like to assure you that your information will never be shared with any other companies or organisations. Participation in the scheme is considered as acceptance that we will use your details from the application form, plus details on how you use your Customer Club Card and what you buy in our stores, to:
- Help manage the Creative Gardens Customer Club Card and improve the way we run it
- Contact you with offers and information about products and services which may be of interest to you, including our regular mailings unless you indicate otherwise.
Terms & Conditions 2024/25
The Creative Gardens Customer Club Cards are issued by and remain the property of Creative Gardens (NI) LTD which reserves the
right, at any time without notice, to (a) terminate the scheme; (b) decline to issue Customer Club Cards; (c) alter the rate at which points are collected and (d) on reasonable grounds, withdraw or cancel Customer Club Cards, or points collected, or to alter or amend the conditions of operation of the Creative Gardens Customer Club Card scheme. Reasonable grounds include (l) any abuse or attempted abuse of the scheme, or ii) any use or attempted use of a Customer Club Card, or points in a manner which is contrary to these terms and conditions, or (iii) any reasonable suspicion of dishonesty on the part Of a member in connection With the scheme.
All participants in the Creative Gardens Customer Club Card scheme must be residents in the UK and aged 18 years or over.
The Customer Club Card is not transferable and can only be used by the person whose signature is on the card or any member of the main Customer Club Card holder's immediate family Who is resident at the same address.
Only One Creative Gardens Customer Club account is permitted per address. Duplicate cards are provided on request suitable for use by other family members. All points accumulated will attribute to the main account holder who will receive the cash coupons. S. Members may be removed from the scheme at any time at the discretion Of Creative Gardens.
Your Customer Club Card Can only be used at Creative Gardens. Your Customer Club Card cannot be used as a credit card or a guarantee card.
The Creative Gardens Customer Club Card scheme is only for personal and consumer use. Customer Club Card points and vouchers cannot be transferred, sold, or in any way traded.
Your Customer Club Card cannot be used for any transaction where the beneficiary is a business and/or the owner of a business.
AII Customer Club Cards issued remain the responsibility of the main Customer Club account holder.
Multiple Customer Club accounts which have been registered to One address will be consolidated and have any points collected and transactional history allocated to the most frequently used account. Additional cards are available on request.
Members Who do not use their Club Card in the garden centres for 12 months or more may have their details removed from the Club.
We reserve the right, from time to time, to send offers or information to selected Customers based on their previous purchases at Creative Gardens.
Points will not be given for services such as Delivery or Assembly Charges Or the Carrier Bag Levy. Points will not be given for the purchase of National HTA Gift Vouchers. Other products may occasionally be excluded from the scheme at the discretion of Creative Gardens.
Points are awarded at different ratios for each department. One point is issued for each pound spent by item by line. Points are not issued for pence spent. (For example, if £3.69 is spent points will be awarded on £3). Point ratios may be altered at the discretion Of Creative Gardens. Creative Gardens shall be entitled at any time to cancel points awarded if the relevant products to Which the award relates are returned and a refund is given. Where goods are exchanged the points will be amended according to the replacement tern.
The current redemption value of points is one point equals one penny. Creative Gardens reserves the right to vary the rate at any time.
Points on Café Purchases are given at the rate of two points per full £1 spent. When you buy Gardening Products, Seeds & Bulbs, Barbeques, Bird care, Clothing, Furniture, and Giftware you will be awarded 2 Points per full £1 spent. "Creative Gardens" Gift Cards have now been added to the scheme and for every pound spent on them, One point will be allocated (HTA Gift Vouchers are not included in the scheme and so do not attract points). When you buy any plant (including house plants and planted containers) you will be awarded 5 points per full £1 spent. When you buy Food & Confectionary and Books you will be awarded 1 Point per full £1 spent. Creative Gardens reserves the right to change these rates at any time.
Rewards, in the form of 'Cash Coupons', will be mailed with a Statement to the customers who have accumulated a combined total Of at least 50 points by the end of each collecting period.
Collecting periods may vary, but coupons are usually sent out 4 times per year.
The value of coupons given by Creative Gardens will be based on the number of points that a member has collected from purchases made by the end of the last day of a collecting period.
Members who have not accumulated 50 points needed to qualify for one 50p 'cash coupon' by the end of the collecting period Will have their points total carried over to the next collecting period.
Promotional coupons such as '10% Off' etc cannot be used in conjunction with any other coupons, vouchers, or offers in-store.