A dense shrub that holds its dark green glossy leaves all year round. Not only does this plant lend itself to creating a backdrop for summer flowering shrubs and perennials but also makes an excellent specimen plant and really comes into its own in late Winter early Spring when large blousy blooms cloth the foliage creating a splash of early colour when little else is blooming.
We have many to choose from with a variety of flower colours from whites to pinks and reds.
Being a woodland plant, Camellias are ideal for a slightly shaded position in the garden or even suitable for planting in a pot. Remember to use an ericaceous compost as they like an acidic soil.
We have various feeds suitable for Camellias including the following;
Miracle Grow Azalea, camellia and rhododendron food
Vitax Azalea, Rhododendron and Shrub fertiliser